(707) 322-4971 Restoring Families is Our Goal

Restoring Families is Our Goal

Restorative Practice

When a family faces a turning point with a troubled child, a vulnerable elder or a family member facing catastrophic or debilitating illness, the family’s resources are taxed to the max. Even the best and strongest and healthiest families find themselves overwhelmed, grasping for solutions and asking critical questions: How do we figure out how to get through this? How do we get the help we need? How do we make the decisions facing us? How do we navigate this windy road before us? We’re working with so many people. How do we get them to work with each other? Getting everyone in the room together may be a good first step, but it does not mean that everyone is willing to work together. Building teams is one of the things that we seek to do with the family and with their input.


To Whom it May Concern:

"I feel that these meetings were very beneficial to all concerned. We learned a lot and hopefully learned how to make things much better.
Everyone involved made me feel welcome and that my opinions and thoughts were important.
I would recommend this process to all who need help with their family problems and ways to solve them.
Lastly, I would like to thank, with all my heart, all the family service reps. they are the Best!!”

“Everyone was positive”

“People were super helpful and I’m grateful”

“Everyone did their role well”